How to Deal with Angry People
10 Strategies for Facing Anger at Home, at Work, and in the Street
By Dr. Ryan Martin
Published by Watkins Media, UK, with Penguin Random House facilitating worldwide distribution
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About the Book
Dr. Ryan Martin, aka Tiktok and Instagram’s “The Anger Professor”, offers 10 highly effective, research-based strategies for coping with the anger you have to face, whether at home, at work, or online.
Whether the confrontations are taking place at home, at work or online, the emotional toll of dealing with an angry person day-in day-out can be huge. As we often can’t cut ourselves off from these angry people (although terminating the relationship is an option that’s explored), this book draws on the author’s years of research to help readers manage potentially explosive situations for the best possible outcomes.
The book:
Reveals the psychological factors that underpin an angry personality (eg genetics, gender, other personality traits).
Offers ten key strategies for dealing effectively with angry people, from figure out what you want from this person and know when to disengage to avoid character assaults and find ways to reach those who refuse to communicate.
Provides case studies, fact boxes, tips and activities to support readers as they deal with the angry people in their lives.
About Ryan Martin
Dr. Ryan Martin (aka the Anger Professor) researches and writes on healthy and unhealthy expressions of anger. His previous book, Why We Get Mad: How to Use Your Anger for Positive Change, explores why people become angry, some of the common consequences of anger, and how people can use their anger in productive ways. Read More…
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